Funding Fight Against COVID-19 : Rectors, Vice Chancellors Agree On Sharing Formula

In the video conference on August 11, 2020, they discussed how the 6 billion FCFA will be distributed amongst the 9 universities concerned.

The Minister of State, Minister of Higher Education, Chancellor of Academic Orders. Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo, on August 11, 2020, chaired a meeting (via video conference) of the 8 State-run universities. Also in attendance was the Acting Coordinator of the Congo-Cameroon Inter-state University.
The meeting focused on the distribution of the 6 billion FCFA granted by government to enable State-run universities to tackle the Coronavirus or COVID-19 pandemic. Participants agreed that 2.5 billion FCFA from the amount will go for the digital interconnection of the universities, while 700 million FCFA will be for the electrification and commissioning of university digital development centres. The rest of the money will be shared equitably amongst the 9 universities, participants agreed.
Concerning the Presidential Special Recruitment of PhD degree holders as lecturers, it was disclosed that 1,813 applications have been received by all universities. Screening and interviews of candidates is underway, a statement by Minister Jacques Fame Ndongo said. On academic activities, Rectors, Vice Chancellors and the Acting Coordinator of the Inter-state University reported that second semester lectures were successfully concluded. While examinations are underway, all in compliance with government’s Coronavirus prevention measures.
Though no student from a State-run university has so far died of the Coronavirus disease, two lecturers lost their lives to the plague, Prof. Jacques Fame Ndongo noted in his statement.

Cet article a été écrit et publié en premier par Cameroon Tribune

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