Management of Covid-19: Japan Offers FCFA 1.5 Billion

Management of Covid-19 : Japan Offers FCFA 1.5 Billion

The government of Japan has taken a giant step to assist Cameroon in the management of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Ambassador of Japan to Cameroon, Osawa Tsutomu and the Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey yester- day, July 2, 2020 signed a convention worth FCFA 1.5 Billion, within the project of the Japanese government to supply medical equipment to Cameroon. The signing ceremony took place in the presence of the Minister of Public Health, Malachie Manaouda and the Secretary of State to the Minister of Public Health in charge of Epidemics and Pandemics, Alim Hayatou.

The financial aid materialises the commitment to promote universal health coverage in Africa, one of the results of the TICAD7 Summit held last year in Yokohama, Japan. The grant (FCFA 1.5 Billion) which is within the framework of the Economic and Social Development Programme of the Japanese government is aimed at enabling the government of Cameroon to purchase medical equipment with the aim to reinforce the capacities of regional hospitals in the country. Through the project, the Ambassador of Japan to Cameroon said his government wishes to contribute to the laudable efforts of the government of Cameroon, not only in the fight against Covid-19 but also at the process to decentralize the medical system in the country.

Ambassador Osawa Tsutomu underscored that the first aspect of the project will concentrate on reducing the number of Covid-19 related deaths. This will be done through the provision of advanced medical equipment in all regional hospitals to save the life of patients in critical conditions. Secondly, the Japanese diplomat said the project will focus on reinforcing the capacities of regional hospitals because besides Covid-19, Cameroonians suffer from other infectious diseases and in order to curb the mortality rate, the decentralisation process of the medical system in Cameroon needs to be accelerated through the acquisition of medical equipment.

The Minister of the Economy, Planning and Regional Development, Alamine Ousmane Mey lauded the aid from the Japanese government, provided through an international solidarity instrument piloted by UNICEF. The welcome aid package, Alamine Ousmane Mey said, will not only bring diversified health support to Cameroon but will also increase the government’s capacity to control the propagation of the Covid-19 pandemic. The Japanese grant will assure the implementation of the 3Ts in curbing Covid-19 which is “Test-Track- Treat” all Covid-19 cases. Alamine Ousmane Mey also used the event to highlight the fruitful cooperation that exists between Cameroon and Japan in different domains such as education, road construction, electricity and network distribution .
Lire aussi : Prise en charge des malades : Alim Hayatou veille sur la gratuité

Cet article a été écrit et publié en premier par Cameroon Tribune

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